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Top 5 Programming Languages In 2018

Right now software development and web development is one of the most popular working sectors in the world. The Market is growing day by day.

In order to create software and websites you need to learn programming languages. The programming languages are developing day by day in order to relief  the pressure of programmers. Today many people around the world is choosing programming as their profession.

If you are willing to start your career as a programmer its important to find out which programing language is useful to you.

Here I am going to write down the name of top 5 programming language of  2018 you can learn:

1.PYTHON :Right now python is the leading programming language in the world. The language can be used to create software.android app,websites(backend development)
Its a simple language to learn. If you are committed enough it will take 2 months for you to learn this language.

2.JAVA: I will put java in second place just because of its complex method of learning. java is 20 years old and have over million users. It is used to make app,software.

3.PHP: Php  is a world wide popular programming language. Its a language which is used to create website. Mostly used for back end development.You can create log-in script,survry system etc. You can learn this languge within 2 months.

4.JAVASCRIPT: I will put javascript in number 4 in position.
javascript is gaining popularity day by day just because of its simple interface and simplicity. It is a scripting language. Javascript is used to create website and develop them. Mostly used for the front end development.

5.C++: C++ is one of the most popular programing language .But it is a matter of sorrow that the language is loosing its popularity because of its difficulty to learn. Many beginners find C++ complex and use easy language like python. The language is used to create software,application and also games.

These are the language which I have put in Top 5 list. The list is based on my personal opinion, research and experience. There are more languages which are growing day by day such as SWIFT, R, .NET .

Abir H. Titas

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